We Are Committed

The Foundation

We support rural families, especially agricultural producers in areas such as education and comprehensive development. With the same affection, we have our human warmth together with some local foundations stablished in La Vega, Dominican Republic.
All this coordinated by Mariana Concepción de Villar, mother of Miguel A. Villar (CEO).

Our Compromise

Wherever you see this image, is a constant reminder of our compromise to our people


We are part of the change

Villar Cares joins the growth and development of the country
following the plans of the 20/30 agenda, being participants in the
the considered 3rd where it is cited:

'oriented towards the search for human development and is based on economic growth, redistribution of wealth, social justice, equity, social and territorial cohesion and environmental sustainability, in a framework of free competition, equal opportunities, social responsibility, participation, and solidarity.'

Read about the 3rd considered

Villar Cares is part of the change and contributes to
strengthening the deficiencies that are experienced with public
services that are called to guarantee the constitutional rights of
the population such as: health, education, social participation,
among others.


Today, we are part of a world that has evolved to a greener current and inclined to demand, mainly from companies, information regarding the impacts that their daily activities cause, both to their own employees, society, and the environment.

We could not remain indifferent to this reality, and we have made the firm decision as a company to adopt a responsible attitude towards everything that affects the economic and environmental aspects of society.

This is why Corporate Sustainability becomes a crucial axis for us to manage and evaluate potential risks in the company, and to be able to contribute to our society, our employees, and their families, our suppliers and investors through actions aimed at promoting human development, based on sustainable objectives to be better people who guarantee the trust and quality of the company towards its clients.

“If you abandon the idea that your voice can make a difference, other voices will fill the void” - Barack Obama