So, how should you storage your eggplants?
Eggplants were into the twenty top fruits and vegetables most consume in USA during 2020, with a consumption of 1.03 pounds per capita.
One serving of eggplant can provide at least 5% of a person’s dialy needs for fiber, manganese, vitamin b6 and other minerals.
Even though many of us are familiarized with the bigs and dark-purple eggplants, its form, size and color can vary from small and oval to large and thin, and from white or green to clear or dark purple:
The most popular ones are chinese eggplant, the american eggplant and thai eggplant.
Choose a good eggplant
First, to store fresh eggplants, you must know how to choose the best ones on the market.
What to look for when buying eggplant?
1. Smooth and shiny skin
2. Vivid color (whether purple, white or green,)
3. Free of discoloration, scars, and bruises,
4. Bright stem and cap
5. Should be firm and heavy for its size
And here and extra pro tip to buy a good eggplant: To test its ripeness, gently press the skin with the pad of your thumb. If it springs back, the eggplant is ripe, while if an indentation remains, it is not.How to store fresh eggplant at home
Eggplants shelf life is relatively short, so If you’re not planning to eat them within two days, then should be refrigerated, without refrigeration, eggplants can be stored in a cool, dry place for three or five days.
Not refrigerated storage for eggplants
So, if you decide not to refrigerate your eggplants consider these recommendations:
1. Keep them in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
Eggplant is temperature sensitive, if it's below 50°F it could damage its texture and flavor and cause surface bronzing, and browning of seeds and pulp tissue.
2. Use it as soon as possible after harvesting or buying.
3. Place it in a vented bowl avoiding sealing it in a plastic bag (this can increase decay)
Something you should know If you choose to refrigerate your eggplants
1. Do not cut eggplant before you store it
As it perishes quickly once its skin has been punctured or its inner flesh exposed, only wrap it in a paper towel and place inside a plastic bag (perforated) or a reusable container. This way eggplants can last from seven to ten days.
2, For long time storage, steam them and then refrigerate.
This way your eggplants could last more than a month.
3. Do not store with other fruits or veggies
Eggplants are sensitive to the ethylene gas given off by some fruits and vegetables, such as apples, potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, and melons, so do not store them with each other.
Eggplants are sensitive to both heat and cold and should ideally be stored at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
Got eggplants? Try this eggplant recipe: Crispy Parmesan Eggplant